La vie quoditienne simplifiée avec plusieurs services essentiels offerts

Wanting to help you maintain your independence for as long as possible, Tours du Carrefour offers several essential services that will make your daily life easier.


  • The staff : a residence manager, a rental manager and agent , a leisure and activities manager, concierges, maintenance staff, a chef, waitresses in the restaurant, etc.

  • Shops : hair salon, convenience store, dry cleaning services, clothing stores that come to residences , etc.

  • Catering: daily menu, available for lunch and dinner for residents, Sunday brunch, available for receptions (caterer) if required

  • Pharmacy : consultation and delivery service available

  • Book loan service with the Eva Sénécal library

  • Private reception room that can be reserved to receive your family in complete privacy

  • Pastoral service offered by priest Jean Desclos of the Saint-Charles-Garnier church

  • Cable service included (ie telemax +)

  • Package services: restaurant meals, housekeeping, repairs and small jobs, indoor parking, etc.


Une tranquillité d'esprit,
un confort de vivre!
Nous joindre?
2825, rue Du Manoir, Sherbrooke (Québec), J1L 2E6
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